About this tool
OtherBitesized, the ultimate solution for staying informed and up-to-date with the latest news and headlines. In a world where information is abundant but time is scarce, Bitesized revolutionizes the way we consume news by providing quick and concise AI-generated news digests.
With Bitesized, you can effortlessly stay in the loop without spending hours scouring through numerous articles. The platform employs cutting-edge artificial intelligence to curate summaries of news articles in mere seconds. These AI summaries condense the key points and essential information from the original articles, allowing you to grasp the main ideas efficiently and effectively.
Bitesized goes beyond just delivering news digests – it also fosters engaging discussions around the headlines. Imagine having your very own virtual news assistant who can provide additional context, answer questions, and spark thoughtful conversations. Whether you want to share your insights or learn from others, Bitesized creates a dynamic and interactive space where users can exchange ideas, perspectives, and opinions on the latest news stories.
How to use
1. Customize Your Preferences
Once you're logged in, you'll have the option to customize your preferences. Choose your preferred news categories, sources, and any specific keywords you want to follow. This will help Bitesized tailor the news digests to your interests.
2. Explore the News Digests
On the main dashboard, you'll find a list of carefully curated news digests. Each digest consists of AI-generated summaries of recent articles. Scroll through the digests and click on the headlines that catch your attention.
3. Read the AI Summaries
Clicking on a headline will open the AI-generated summary of the respective article. Read the concise summary provided by Bitesized, highlighting the key points and essential information from the original article. This allows you to quickly understand the main ideas without having to read the full article.
4. Engage in Discussions
If you want to delve deeper into a particular news story, you can engage in discussions with your virtual news assistant and other Bitesized users. Ask questions, share your opinions, or learn from different perspectives. Bitesized aims to foster dynamic and interactive conversations around the headlines.
5.Save or Share Articles
If you come across an article that you find interesting or want to read later, you can save it for future reference. Look for the "Save" or "Bookmark" option within the Bitesized interface and click on it. This will add the article to your saved articles list, which you can access later.
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